Akka - How many instances of an actor should you create?

If you are using Akka, you can create an actor per request. Akka is extremely slim on resources and you can create literarily millions of actors on an pretty ordinary JVM heap. Also, they will only consume cpu/stack/threads when they actually do something.

A year ago I made a comparison between the resource consumption of the thread-based and event-based standard actors. And Akka is even better than the event-base.

One of the big points of Akka in my opinion is that it allows you to design your system as "one actor per usage" where earlier actor systems often forced you to do "use only actors for shared services" due to resource overhead.

I would recommend that you go for option 1.

Well, you create an Actor for each instance of mutable state that you want to manage.

In your case, that might be just one actor if my-resource is a single object and you want to treat each request serially - that easily ensures that you only return consistent states between modifications.

If (more likely) you manage multiple resources, one actor per resource instance is usually ideal unless you run into many thousands of resources. While you can also run per-request actors, you'll end up with a strange design if you don't think about the state those requests are accessing - e.g. if you just create one Actor per POST request, you'll find yourself worrying how to keep them from concurrently modifying the same resource, which is a clear indication that you've defined your actors wrongly.

I usually have fairly trivial request/reply actors whose main purpose it is to abstract the communication with external systems. Their communication with the "instance" actors is then normally limited to one request/response pair to perform the actual action.


