Airflow scheduler stuck

The reason for the above in my case was that I had a DAG file creating a very large number of DAGs dynamically.

The "dagbag_import_timeout" config variable which controls "How long before timing out a python file import while filling the DagBag" was set to the default value of 30. Thus the process filling the DagBag kept timing out.

I've had a very similar issue. My DAG was of the same nature (a file that generates many DAGs dynamically). I tried the suggested solution but it didn't work (had this value to some high already, 60 seconds, increased to 120 but my issue wasn't resolved).

Posting what worked for me in case someone else has a similar issue.

I came across this JIRA ticket:

which helped me resolve my issue: I disabled the SLA configuration, and then all my tasks started to run!

There can also be other solutions, as other comments in this ticket suggest.

For the record, my issue started to occur after I enabled lots of such DAGs (around 60?) that I had disabled for a few months. Not sure how the SLA affects this from technical perspective TBH, but it did.