ag-Grid set filter and sort model without triggering event

I had to solve similar issue. I found solution which working for my kind of situation. Maybe this help someone.

for (let j = 0; j < orders.length; j++) {
    const sortModelEntry = orders[j];
    if (typeof === 'string') {
    const column: Column = this.gridColumnApi.getColumn(;
    if (column && ! column.getColDef().suppressSorting) {

Where orders is array of key-value object where key is name of column and value is sorting directive (asc/desc).

Set filter without refresh was complicated

for (let j = 0; j < filters.length; j++) {
   const filterModelEntry = filters[j];
   if (typeof === 'string') {
      const column: Column = this.gridColumnApi.getColumn(;
      if (column && ! column.getColDef().suppressFilter) {
         const filter: any = this.gridApi.getFilterApi(;
         filter['filter'] = filterModelEntry.command;
         filter['defaultFilter'] = filterModelEntry.command;
         filter['eTypeSelector'].value = filterModelEntry.command;
         filter['filterValue'] = filterModelEntry.value;
         filter['filterText'] = filterModelEntry.value;
         filter['eFilterTextField'].value = filterModelEntry.value;

Attributes in filter:

  • property - name of column
  • command - filter action (contains, equals, ...)
  • value - value used in filter

For anyone else looking for a solution to this issue in Nov 2020, tapping into onFilterModified() might help. This gets called before onFilterChanged() so setting a value here (eg. hasUserManuallyChangedTheFilters = false, etc.) and checking the same in the filter changed event is a possible workaround. Although, I haven't found anything similar for onSortChanged() event, one that gets called before the sorting is applied to the grid.

At the time, you are going to have to manage this yourself, ie, just before you call the setModel, somehow flag this in a shared part of your app (maybe a global variable)

Then when you react to these events, check the estate of this, to guess where it came from.

Note that at the moment, we have added source to the column events, but they are not yet for the model events, we are planning to add them though, but we have no ETA

Hope this helps


Ag Grid