Ag-Grid: How to save and reload column order

You are looking for setColumnState() and getColumnState(). See the docs at

In your grid options, set up event handlers for gridReady and columnMoved.

Something like:

gridOptions = {
   rowData: myRowDataSource,
   columnDefs: myColumns,
   onGridReady: onGridReady,
   onColumnMoved: onColumnMoved,

On the column moved event, save the columnState. Here's an example saved to local storage. Change it to save to your database.

onColumnMoved(params) {
  var columnState = JSON.stringify(params.columnApi.getColumnState());
  localStorage.setItem('myColumnState', columnState);

On the grid ready event, get and restore the grid State. Again, change this to pull from your database.

onGridReady(params) {
    var columnState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('myColumnState'));
    if (columnState) {

onColumnMoved will fire every time the column is moving but the drag didn't stopped.

Using onColumnMoved is not performant at all.

If you care about performance you should use onDragStopped

gridOptions.onDragStopped = function (params) {
  const colIds = params.columnApi.getAllDisplayedColumns().map(col => col.colId)
  console.log(colIds) // all visible colIds with the visible order