After updated Visual Studio 2019 to 16.4.0 I can't run tests with target framework 2.2

After looking at the solution from @coloradoeos I discovered a different way to solve this without needing to install an x86 version.

Simply go to Test > Process architecture for anyCPU projects > x64

Tests should run normally after selecting x64.

enter image description here

I'll refer you to this link.

The root cause appeared to be the lack of an x86 .NET Core 2.2 SDK instance under the following directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App".

I only had a 3.1 version present, so I specifically downloaded an x86 version of the 2.2 SDK and installed it. Once I did that, the testhost ran my unit tests from Visual Studio (VS) just fine. I never uninstalled the old version of the SDK, so this must be an issue with the update process for the framework/VS.