Advantages of creating an ArrayList with initial capacity of 0?

It keeps the size (in memory) of the ArrayList very small, and is a tactic for when you want the variable to be non-null and ready to use, but don't expect for the List to be populated immediately. If you expect it to be populated immediately, it's best to give it a larger initial value - any "growing" of the ArrayList is internally creating a new primitive array, and copying items over. Growth of an ArrayList is expensive, and should be minimized.

Or, if you're creating lots of instances of a class that each contain one of these List properties. If you don't immediately plan on filling them, you can save a bit of memory by not allocating the room just yet.

However: There is a better way: Collections.emptyList(). Normally you'll want to protect access to that list directly, and (as an example) in your class provide domain-specific method calls that operate on the internal List. For example, let's say you have a School class that contains a List of student names. (Keeping it simple, note this class is not thread safe.)

public class School {
    private List<String> studentNames = Collections.emptyList();

    public void addStudentName(String name) {
        if (studentNames.isEmpty()) {
            studentNames = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void removeStudentName(String name) {
        if (studentNames.isEmpty()) {
            studentNames = Collections.emptyList(); // GC will deallocate the old List

If you're willing to make the isEmpty() checks and perform the initialization/assignment, this is a better alternative to creating lots of empty ArrayList instances, as Collections.emptyList() is a static instance (only one exists) and is not modifiable.

For java 6 (or openjdk 7), not specifying an initial size gives you a list within initial size set to 10. So depending on many factors of your usage of the list, it could be very slightly more memory and/or performance efficient to initialize the list with size 0.

For java 7, specifying an initial size 0 is functionally equivalent to not specifying an initial size.

However it is actually less efficient, since the call to the constructor with argument 0 incurs a call to new Object[0], whereas if you specify the no-args constructor, the initial elementData for your list is set to a statically defined constant named EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA.

Relevant code from ArrayList source:

 * Shared empty array instance used for empty instances.
private static final Object[] EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = {};

In other words the use of new ArrayList<Integer>(0); seems superfluous, there are no benefits to doing so, and I would use new ArrayList<Integer>(); instead.