ADL in case of equal-named member function

As you found out yourself, adding a member function frobnicate to the class interface of Bar (or Bar<T> in the template case), will prevent ADL from finding foo::frobnicate.

The easiest -and in this case idiomatic- way to add frobnicate functionality to a class Bar (or to a class template Bar<T>) is to add a non-member function frobnicate(Bar) (or function template frobnicate(Bar<T>)) to the namespace bar

namespace foo {
    struct Foo {};
    void frobnicate(Foo const &)  {}

namespace bar {
    template<class T>
    struct Bar {    
       T t;    

    template<class T>
    void frobnicate(Bar<T> const& b)

int main () {
    bar::Bar<foo::Foo> x;

If you insist on having a member function, you will have to rename it to something like do_frobnicate(). I would not use type traits tricks to get the same behavior as it is an indirect approach, and makes the class interfaces much harder to understand (remember Stroustrup's motto: "represent your ideas directly in code").