Adding folders to a zip file using python

Ok, after i understood what you want, it is as simple as using the second argument of zipfile.write, where you can use whatever you want:

import zipfile
myZipFile = zipfile.ZipFile("", "w" )
myZipFile.write("", "dir\\", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )

creates a zipfile where would be extracted to a directory called dir

EDIT: I once had to create an empty directory in a zip file: it is possible. after the code above just delete the file from the zipfile, the file is gone, but the empty directory stays.

You can also use shutil

import shutil

zip_name = 'path\to\zip_file'
directory_name = 'path\to\directory'

# Create 'path\to\'
shutil.make_archive(zip_name, 'zip', directory_name)

This will put the whole folder in the zip.