Adding Custom Menus in Sublime Text

Easier option if what you want is just run a command. Create a file Context.sublime-menu inside your Packages/User directory, and add the following:

    { "caption": "<Your caption here>", "command": "exec", "args": {"cmd": ["<your cmd name>", "<arg1>", "<arg2>", <...>]} }

Exemple: Adding a menu item to the context menu that just run dir:

   { "caption": "List files in current dir", "command": "exec", "args": {"cmd": ["dir"]} }

The *.sublime-menu file is simply JSON. You can create a Main.sublime-menu in your user directory and it will be merged with other menu entries. It may be beneficial to look through the Main.sublime-menu files third party plugins have. These are generally much shorter, so may be easier to understand some of the things you need to define in each entry.


You can use the following as a plugin to open notepad with an arbitrary file.

import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import subprocess
import threading
class OpenNotepadCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    def run(self, edit, filename=None):
        th = NotepadThread(filename)

class NotepadThread(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        self.filename = filename

    def run(self):
        if self.filename is not None:
  "notepad.exe %s" % self.filename)

When you are creating a menu item use something like the following for the command and arguments.

    "command": "open_notepad",
    "args": { "filename": "<the absolute path here>"}

I know this way too late to join the party and add my 2 cents. Anyway, Main.sublime-menu is a file that allows you to add menu items to the top menu i.e [File, Edit, Selection, Find, View, Goto, etc.]

I recently added a new section "Dev" just to figure it out. I also wanted a way to trigger browser previews for a specific browser. Check it out.

    "caption": "Dev",
    "mnemonic": "Z",
    "id": "dev",
    "children": [
        "caption" : "Previews",
        "children": [
          { "caption": "Markdown Live Preview", "command": "new_markdown_live_preview", "id": "markdown_live_preview" },
          { "caption": "Preview in Default Browser", "command": "view_in_browser", "id": "markdown_live_preview" },
          { "caption": "Preview in Firefox", "command": "view_in_browser", "args": { "browser": "firefox" }, "id": "markdown_live_preview" },
          { "caption": "Preview in Chrome","command": "view_in_browser", "args": { "browser": "chrome" }, "id": "markdown_live_preview" },
          { "caption": "Preview in Safari", "command": "view_in_browser", "args": { "browser": "safari" }, "id": "markdown_live_preview" },

Anyway, this still works in ST3. Just in case anyone stumbles around here.