Adding a column to export but hiding from the grid?

You can use set column_css_class and header_css_class as no-display to the column you want to hide. This will hide your column from the admin grid. However, this column will be present in the exported csv or xml.

$this->addColumn('YOUR_COLUMN_ID', array(
        'header'    => Mage::helper('YOUR_HELPER_NAME')->__('YOUR_COLUMN_NAME'),
        'width'     => '150px',
        'index'     => 'YOUR_COLUMN_INDEX',

There is a method _afterLoadCollection() in Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Widget/Grid.php that can be overrided to remove/add columns for export or display with $this->_isExport.

NOTE: Adding this to the _prepareCollection() won't work as the collection filters will not have been submitted, resulting in the entire collection dumped minus any filtering.

protected function _afterLoadCollection() {
    if(!$this->_isExport) {

Create a separate block definition - e.g. duplicate the Grid block to another block that's specific for your CSV; I would call this Csvgrid.php instead of Grid.php - it would contain all of the same functionality that the normal Grid.php contains, but omit the one column.

In your controller:

public function exportCsvAction()
        $fileName = 'myreport_'.date('Y_m_d_h_i_s').'.csv';
        $content = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('mymodule/adminhtml_reports_csvgrid')->getCsv();

When duplicating the Grid, place Csvgrid.php into the same physical directory as Grid.php but rename it accordingly - don't forget to change the class name!


So it turns out that Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid has a method called removeColumn - defined as:


     * Remove existing column
     * @param string $columnId
     * @return Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
    public function removeColumn($columnId)
        if (isset($this->_columns[$columnId])) {
            if ($this->_lastColumnId == $columnId) {
                $this->_lastColumnId = key($this->_columns);
        return $this;

My guess is that because Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Report_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid it inherits this method and should be able to be used. I would, in that case, create a new block Grid and extend the Grid that your current report is in. From there you can use your own prepareColumns method, call the parent::_prepareColumns() and then call removeColumn..

Best of luck.