Add months to a datetime column in pandas

This is a vectorized way to do this, so should be quite performant. Note that it doesn't handle month crossings / endings (and doesn't deal well with DST changes. I believe that's why you get the times).

In [32]: df['START_DATE'] + df['MONTHS'].values.astype("timedelta64[M]")
0   2035-03-20 20:24:00
1   2035-03-20 20:24:00
2   2035-03-20 20:24:00
3   2035-03-20 20:24:00
4   2035-03-20 20:24:00
5   2024-12-31 10:12:00
6   2036-12-31 20:24:00
7                   NaT
8                   NaT
9                   NaT
Name: START_DATE, dtype: datetime64[ns]

If you need exact MonthEnd/Begin handling, this is an appropriate method. (Use MonthsOffset to get the same day)

In [33]: df.dropna().apply(lambda x: x['START_DATE'] + pd.offsets.MonthEnd(x['MONTHS']), axis=1)
0   2035-02-28
1   2035-02-28
2   2035-02-28
3   2035-02-28
4   2035-02-28
5   2024-12-31
6   2036-12-31
dtype: datetime64[ns]