Add JSON serializer to every model class?

IMO this is a major short-coming in Dart, surprising given its Web Application focus. I would've thought that having JSON support in the standard libraries would've meant that serializing classes to and from JSON would work like water, unfortunately the JSON support seems incomplete, where it appears the choices are to work with loosely typed maps or suffer through un-necessary boilerplate to configure your standard (PODO) classes to serialize as expected.

Without Reflection and Mirrors support

As popular Dart platforms like Flutter doesn't support Reflection/Mirrors your only option is to use a code-gen solution. The approach we've taken in ServiceStack's native support for Dart and Flutter lets you generate typed Dart models for all your ServiceStack Services from a remote URL, e.g:

$ npm install -g @servicestack/cli

$ dart-ref

Supported in .NET Core and any of .NET's popular hosting options.

The example above generates a Typed API for the .NET TechStacks project using the generated DTOs from endpoint. This generates models following Dart's JsonCodec pattern where you can customize serialization for your Dart models by providing a fromJson named constructor and a toJson() instance method, here's an example of one of the generated DTOs:

class UserInfo implements IConvertible
    String userName;
    String avatarUrl;
    int stacksCount;

    UserInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { fromMap(json); }

    fromMap(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
        userName = json['userName'];
        avatarUrl = json['avatarUrl'];
        stacksCount = json['stacksCount'];
        return this;

    Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
        'userName': userName,
        'avatarUrl': avatarUrl,
        'stacksCount': stacksCount

    TypeContext context = _ctx;

With this model you can use Dart's built-in json:convert APIs to serialize and deserialize your model to JSON, e.g:

var dto = new UserInfo(userName:"foo",avatarUrl:profileUrl,stacksCount:10);
String jsonString = json.encode(dto);

Map<String,dynamic> jsonObj = json.decode(jsonString);
var fromJson = new UserInfo.fromJson(jsonObj);

The benefit of this approach is that it works in all Dart platforms, including Flutter and AngularDart or Dart Web Apps with and without Dart 2’s Strong Mode.

The generated DTOs can also be used with servicestack's Dart package to enable an end to end typed solution which takes care JSON serialization into and out of your typed DTOs, e.g:

var client = new JsonServiceClient("");
var response = await client.get(new GetUserInfo(userName:"mythz"));

For more info see docs for ServiceStack's native Dart support.

Dart with Mirrors

If you're using Dart in a platform where Mirrors support is available I've found using a Mixin requires the least effort, e.g:

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:mirrors';

abstract class Serializable {

  Map toJson() { 
    Map map = new Map();
    InstanceMirror im = reflect(this);
    ClassMirror cm = im.type;
    var decls = cm.declarations.values.where((dm) => dm is VariableMirror);
    decls.forEach((dm) {
      var key = MirrorSystem.getName(dm.simpleName);
      var val = im.getField(dm.simpleName).reflectee;
      map[key] = val;
    return map;


Which you can mixin with your PODO classes with:

class Customer extends Object with Serializable
  int Id;
  String Name;

Which you can now use with JSON.encode:

var c = new Customer()..Id = 1..Name = "Foo";



Note: see caveats with using Mirrors

An alternative is to use the Serialization package and add rules for your classes. The most basic form uses reflection to get the properties automatically.

I wrote the Exportable library to solve such things like converting to Map or JSON. Using it, the model declaration looks like:

import 'package:exportable/exportable.dart';

class Customer extends Object with Exportable {
  @export int id;
  @export String name;

And if you want to convert to JSON, you may:

String jsonString = customer.toJson();

Also, it's easy to initialize new object from a JSON string:

Customer customer = new Customer()..initFromJson(jsonString);

Or alternatively:

Customer customer = new Exportable(Customer, jsonString);

Please, see the README for more information.


