Add a header parameter in Swagger UI documentation with Springfox

I prefer to use @ApiImplicitParam after my @RequestMapping rather than as function parameters because generally you might process your headers in a filter (eg authentication) and you are not needing the values in that method.

Besides if you need them in the method Swagger auto provides the field for a @HeaderParam

This style also Improves readability and flexibility when some calls need headers and other don't.


@ApiImplicitParam(name = "Authorization", value = "Access Token", required = true, allowEmptyValue = false, paramType = "header", dataTypeClass = String::class, example = "Bearer access_token")
fun addJob(jobRequest: Job): ResponseEntity<*>{}

If all or most for your endpoints need header that I'll rather configure it as seen here

If you have to declare several header params, you need to use the @ApiImplicitParams annotation:

  @ApiImplicitParam(name = "Authorization", value = "Access Token", required = true, allowEmptyValue = false, paramType = "header", dataTypeClass = String.class, example = "Bearer access_token"),
  @ApiImplicitParam(name = "X-Custom-Header", value = "A Custom Header", required = true, allowEmptyValue = false, paramType = "header", dataTypeClass = String.class, example = "my header example")
fun addJob(jobRequest: Job): ResponseEntity<*>{}

I just added @RequestHeader(value="myHeader") String headerStr :

public ResponseEntity<User> saveNewUser(
        @RequestHeader(value="myHeader") String headerStr,
        @ApiParam(value = "the user to create", required = true) @RequestBody User user) throws RestServiceException {;
    return new ResponseEntity<User>(user, HttpStatus.OK);

(import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestHeader;)

You can also add a global header on every service in your documentation with the solution described here : Spring + Springfox + Header Parameters