ActiveMQ get number of consumers listening to a topic from java

I think that the consumer count in the statistics plugin should give you what you want. And I'm fairly sure that the statistics plugin can be enabled in an embedded broker.

I do it simply by fireing this GET: http://localhost:8161/admin/xml/queues.jsp

It returns a list of all queues with registered consumers in XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <queue name="sauer_test2">
        <stats size="0" consumerCount="0" enqueueCount="0" dequeueCount="0"/>
    <queue name="sauer_test1">
        <stats size="0" consumerCount="1" enqueueCount="1" dequeueCount="1"/>

You can see the "consumerCount" attribute and react, accordingly. There is also a get method for getting all consumer-details of a given queue: http://localhost:8161/admin/queueConsumers.jsp?JMSDestination=sauer_test1.

you can use Advisory Messages to get the number of consumers of queues/topics (amongst other things) without using JMX (see ActiveMQ.Advisory.Consumer.Topic, etc)...



