Accurately determine if element is scrollable

This is probably the safest solution (jQuery required, for plain JavaScript see below):

$.fn.isHScrollable = function () {
    return this[0].scrollWidth > this[0].clientWidth;

$.fn.isVScrollable = function () {
    return this[0].scrollHeight > this[0].clientHeight;

$.fn.isScrollable = function () {
    return this[0].scrollWidth > this[0].clientWidth || this[0].scrollHeight > this[0].clientHeight;

Then you can check if an element is scrollable like this:


For usage without jQuery you can implement functions like this:

function isScrollable(element) {
    return element.scrollWidth > element.clientWidth || element.scrollHeight > element.clientHeight;

var myParent = document.getElementById('myParent')

Do you want to know if an element can ever scroll or can currently scroll?

Can an element ever scroll?

An element can scroll if it has a fixed height (or max-height) and overflow-y is scroll or auto. But since it's not easy to tell if an element's height is fixed or not, it's probably sufficient to just check overflow-y:

e.css('overflow-y') == 'scroll' || e.css('overflow-y') == 'auto'

Can an element scroll right now?

An element can scroll right now if its scrollHeight is greater than its clientHeight and if it has a scrollbar, which can be determined by comparing clientWidth and offsetWidth (taking margins and borders into account) or checking if overflow-y is scroll or auto.

Merging the two answers together, and adding a little something of my own, this is what I use to check Vertical scrolling. It can be easily converted for other cases. (H & VH)

function isScrollable(e){
    if( e.scrollTopMax !== undefined )
        return e.scrollTopMax > 0; //All Hail Firefox and it's superior technology!

    if( e == document.scrollingElement ) //If what you're checking is BODY (or HTML depending on your css styles)
        return e.scrollHeight > e.clientHeight; //This is a special case.

    return e.scrollHeight > e.clientHeight && ["scroll", "auto"].indexOf(getComputedStyle(e).overflowY) >= 0


I tested this on Firefox, and Chromium. Both Linux. you might still wanna check them for yourself though.