Accessing values from tables via "grid search"

I don't have the calculator package but this defines expandable macros with each of the cell contents.

enter image description here






\expandafter\xdef\csname data-#1(\the\rowc,\the\colc)\endcsname
{\zap@space## \@empty}\cr
\@@input #1 

\csname data-#1(#2)\endcsname}



                          & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(1)}   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(2)}   & \multicolumn{1}{c}{(3)}   \\
\emph{First Control Set}  &                           &                           &                           \\
Variable 1                &  1.85                     & 0.92                      & 1.11                      \\
                          & (0.34)                    & (0.24)                    & (0.14)                    \\
Variable 2                & 0.07                      & 0.07                      & 0.07                      \\
                          & (0.01)                    & (0.02)                    & (0.01)                    \\
Variable 3                & -0.02                     & -0.01                     & -0.01                     \\
                          & (0.01)                    & (0.00)                    & (0.00)                    \\


 This does not work because it calls the value before the table is included (\usedata{mytable.tex}{3,3}).

    \caption{Consumer Credit Portfolios for Borrowers}

This does work and the value is of Variable 1 in (1) is \usedata{mytable.tex}{3,3} and in
(2) \usedata{mytable.tex}{5,3}. %The spacing is not correct after the values are called.

Let's try some maths: The difference of (1) and (2) of Variable 1 is
%\SUBTRACT{\usedata{mytable.tex}{3,3}}{\usedata{mytable.tex}{5,3}}\DiffAB \num{\DiffAB}
% package calculator also has a round option, but I don't really understand the syntax


Here's an option that uses LuaTeX. There are three macros:

  • \myarray{name}{table} stores the table.
  • \usearray{name} returns the table.
  • \arrayitem{name}{row}{column} returns the item in position [row,column] of the table stored as name.

I don't have calculator either, so I made a small evaluation function just for example using expl3.

enter image description here


myarrays = {}
function myarray(name,s)
    myarrays[name] = {}
    myarrays[name] = string.explode(s,"\\+")
    for i = 1,#myarrays[name] do
        myarrays[name][i] = string.explode(myarrays[name][i],"&")
    myarrays[name].table = s


\NewDocumentCommand{\evaluate}{ m }
        \fp_eval:n {#1}

Define table "tab1" \verb=\myarray{tab1}{1&2&3\\4&5&6\\}=.\par\medskip

Define table "tab2" \verb=\myarray{fish}{10&11&12\\-1&-2&-3\\}=\par\medskip

The table "tab1" is:

The table "tab2" is: 

The product of entry [2,2] in "tab1" and [2,2] in "tab2" is \evaluate{\arrayitem{tab1}{2}{2}*\arrayitem{tab2}{2}{2}}



