Accessing AEM 6.2 error logs over HTTP

A colleague answered this question for me on a chat so I'm putting it here to make it easier to find in the future.

There's now a neat utility in the OSGi console that allows one to view the logs as well as configure the various loggers. You can find it at http://localhost:4502/system/console/slinglog

Adobe Experience Manager Web Console Log Support

The Appender tab provides links to the various log files that can be used to load logs over HTTP.

Here's an example request it makes:


As you can see, both the log file name and the tail parameter can be specified. You can also use grep with both simple phrases and regular expressions.

This is a built-in feature of Apache Sling.

In addition FYI, you can also find the status-slinglogs where you can perform log file downloads in a zip and logger actions in a txt to your local at /system/console/status-slinglogs


enter image description here

and the direct urls for the downloading these zip files are as below http://localhost:4502/system/console/

http://localhost:4502/system/console/status-slinglogs/ (where as 20170126-183246 is and time stamp)

You should not be looking at log files via CRXDE lite.

log files in 6.2 are project specific - better to open them from a text editor.

see attached screenshot.

Hope this helps!



enter image description here

