Access router outlet component from parent

Make use of activate event for the same . Whenever we load a component in router outlet a activate event is emitted make use of that to get the component ref and call the respective method.

Parent Component

  <div class="container">
    <router-outlet (activate)="onActivate($event)"></router-outlet>



Child Comp


A small addition to @Rahul Singh great answer:

Make sure you check, which component instance is returned in the
(staying at Rahul's example) onActivate(componentRef) method,
and only call works(), if that component indeed has such method.


       if(componentRef instanceof ChildWithWorksMethodComponent){;
         console.log("This is not the ChildWithWorksMethodComponent");

Otherwise, every time you navigate to a route, which component doesn't have such method, your console log will be full of errors like:

ERROR TypeError: is not a function

Router-outlet is related to routing it has nothing to do with accessing the child component methods.You have to use @ViewChild for accessing child component functions from the parent.You can find the example here


If above isn't a feasible solution in your case,you may tap into activate event to get reference of instantiated component inside the router outlet.

From the docs

A router outlet will emit an activate event any time a new component is being instantiated, and a deactivate event when it is being destroyed.

Hence you can use these feature and get your work done.You can see elaborated answer here and a plunker is attached in the same answer