A vertically centered equation number on a multline environment

What you want is the multlined environment provided by mathtools:





enter image description here

Try to use this:

 a&= b+c-d\\
  & \quad +e-f\\
  &= g+h\\
  &= i

This answer is really just an addendum to/augmentation of the answer provided by @Thiago on the use of a split environment within an equation environment to get the vertical centering of the equation number.

  • Normally, one uses the split environment to align successive lines on a single common point -- frequently, not necessarily, an = sign.

  • However, by leaving off the align symbol, &, entirely from two (or more) consecutive lines, the resulting lines will simply be centered, one line after the other.

  • Other alignment possibilities exist too. For example, the following code,

    \begin{equation} \begin{split}
    \end{split} \end{equation}

    serves to have the e of the second line be placed exactly below the d of the first line.