A Question About \futurelet

The \let and \futurelet primitives create implicit character tokens. Thus when does

\futurelet\foo\baz a

the token \foo is an a. It is not a macro which expands to an a.

One can see this by using \show and \meaning:

\futurelet\foo\baz a

You can do anything with \foo that doesn't require an explicit character token. For example, if we do


we can do

\hbox\bgroup <content>

but not

\def\foo\bgroup <definition>

One can use \meaning to disect the text, for example if we know it's a letter

\edef\bazaux{\def\noexpand\bazaux\detokenize{the letter }##1\noexpand\stop{##1}}
\futurelet\foo\baz a

(One could of course test first for this case.)

My LaTeX colleague, Christian Tellechea, as I was asking him about the limitations of implicit character tokens, quickly shot back a macro (using the listofitems package) that he calls \implicittomacro#1 that takes an implicit token (limited to catcode 11 or 12) and turns it into a macro.

Thus, the MWE I posted at the end of my question becomes do-able with Christian's help. In it, the macro \fltest uses \futurelet to capture the undigested next token, and then can test it against a multiplicity of match characters at once (here, both x and y). This is cooler than a mere \ifx test, which can only compare against a single token at a time.


     \unless\ifcat a\noexpand#1%
             \def\next{\errmessage{\string#1\space is not catcode 11 or 
#\expandafter1\detokenize{er} #2\implicittomacroi#3{%

  \setsepchar{x||y}% SEARCH FOR x or y AS THE NEXT CHARACTER
    (Following undigested token is: \mylistsep[1])%
    (Following undigested token is NEITHER x nor y)%
\fltest xyz

\fltest yzx

\fltest zxy

enter image description here


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