A list inside a table

If you use itemize inside a p column in tabular a lot of unnecessary space is added. Use a properly defined column type to do the right thing. The following was posted on CTT a long time ago by Donald Arseneau for itemized and enumerated cells.

Edit: Change \multicolumn contents to a p column.

\newcolumntype{e}[1]{%--- Enumerated cells ---
     \NoHyper%                Hyperref adds a vertical space
        \addtolength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 50pt}% for raggedright

\newcolumntype{i}[1]{%--- Itemized cells ---
           \addtolength{\rightskip}{0pt plus 50pt}%


2009--present & \multicolumn{1}{p{\pcolwdth}}{company 1} \\
              & \item editor                             \\
2011--2012    & \multicolumn{1}{p{\pcolwdth}}{company 2} \\
              & \item judge
                \item jury
                \item executioner                        \\

enter image description here

Depending on your preference, you might just as well avoid lists and set the items using a "fake list" environment:

enter image description here

  2009--present & company 1
    \nextitem editor \\
  2011--2012 & company 2
    \nextitem jury
    \nextitem executioner

This only works because the second column is set in paragraph mode. You could also use an X-column (from the tabularx package).

An alternative suggestion altogether would be to use the moderncv class. Here's an extract from the moderncv template/example (there are other examples):

enter image description here

The list environment does not work inside l columns, but it is fine inside p columns:

  2009--present & company 1
  \item editor
  2011--2012 & company 2
  \item jury
  \item executioner

enter image description here