7-zip cannot open file on double click

The problem is that the default is opening with 7zG (gui) while it should open with 7zFM (file manager).

You can change this using a program like DefaultProgramsEditor

Good luck.

You could try to reset the associations from within 7-zip File Manager. One thing to note, if you are using Windows 7, you need to run 7zFM as administrator so it can set the changes.

Some registry keys were pointing to an x86 version of 7-Zip, which for some reason can't handle being invoked directly on this machine. I am not sure whether this is a bug in the x64 version of 7-Zip or whether a x86 version was installed on this machine before and didn't uninstall cleanly.

The following registry keys referred to the Program Files (x86) directory. Changing those to refer to the Program Files directory fixed the problem.
