3D Minimum uncertainty wavepackets

It seems that problem here is with mishandling vector quantities. We want to compute things such as $\left<p^2\right>$ but these are in fact $\sum_i \left<p_i^2\right>$ and so the problem decomposes into components where the standard HUP and minimality conditions can be applied. But what you've done is that you applied one-dimensional HUP to $\left<x^2\right>$ and $\left<p^2\right>$ which just can't be right. The correct form of HUP in this case would be $$\sum_i \left<x_i^2\right>\left<p_i^2\right> \geq 3 {\hbar^2 \over 4}$$

So, to reiterate, there is really nothing new to solve in more dimensions as the problem decomposes completely and you can write your solution as $\Psi(x,y,z)$ = $\psi_x(x)\psi_y(y)\psi_z(z)$ with each $\psi_{\alpha}$ a Gaussian from the one-dimensional variant of this problem.