3D Line-Plane Intersection

Here is a method in Java that finds the intersection between a line and a plane. There are vector methods that aren't included but their functions are pretty self explanatory.

 * Determines the point of intersection between a plane defined by a point and a normal vector and a line defined by a point and a direction vector.
 * @param planePoint    A point on the plane.
 * @param planeNormal   The normal vector of the plane.
 * @param linePoint     A point on the line.
 * @param lineDirection The direction vector of the line.
 * @return The point of intersection between the line and the plane, null if the line is parallel to the plane.
public static Vector lineIntersection(Vector planePoint, Vector planeNormal, Vector linePoint, Vector lineDirection) {
    if (planeNormal.dot(lineDirection.normalize()) == 0) {
        return null;

    double t = (planeNormal.dot(planePoint) - planeNormal.dot(linePoint)) / planeNormal.dot(lineDirection.normalize());
    return linePoint.plus(lineDirection.normalize().scale(t));

Here is a Python example which finds the intersection of a line and a plane.

Where the plane can be either a point and a normal, or a 4d vector (normal form), In the examples below (code for both is provided).

Also note that this function calculates a value representing where the point is on the line, (called fac in the code below). You may want to return this too, because values from 0 to 1 intersect the line segment - which may be useful for the caller.

Other details noted in the code-comments.

Note: This example uses pure functions, without any dependencies - to make it easy to move to other languages. With a Vector data type and operator overloading, it can be more concise (included in example below).

# intersection function
def isect_line_plane_v3(p0, p1, p_co, p_no, epsilon=1e-6):
    p0, p1: Define the line.
    p_co, p_no: define the plane:
        p_co Is a point on the plane (plane coordinate).
        p_no Is a normal vector defining the plane direction;
             (does not need to be normalized).

    Return a Vector or None (when the intersection can't be found).

    u = sub_v3v3(p1, p0)
    dot = dot_v3v3(p_no, u)

    if abs(dot) > epsilon:
        # The factor of the point between p0 -> p1 (0 - 1)
        # if 'fac' is between (0 - 1) the point intersects with the segment.
        # Otherwise:
        #  < 0.0: behind p0.
        #  > 1.0: infront of p1.
        w = sub_v3v3(p0, p_co)
        fac = -dot_v3v3(p_no, w) / dot
        u = mul_v3_fl(u, fac)
        return add_v3v3(p0, u)

    # The segment is parallel to plane.
    return None

# ----------------------
# generic math functions

def add_v3v3(v0, v1):
    return (
        v0[0] + v1[0],
        v0[1] + v1[1],
        v0[2] + v1[2],

def sub_v3v3(v0, v1):
    return (
        v0[0] - v1[0],
        v0[1] - v1[1],
        v0[2] - v1[2],

def dot_v3v3(v0, v1):
    return (
        (v0[0] * v1[0]) +
        (v0[1] * v1[1]) +
        (v0[2] * v1[2])

def len_squared_v3(v0):
    return dot_v3v3(v0, v0)

def mul_v3_fl(v0, f):
    return (
        v0[0] * f,
        v0[1] * f,
        v0[2] * f,

If the plane is defined as a 4d vector (normal form), we need to find a point on the plane, then calculate the intersection as before (see p_co assignment).

def isect_line_plane_v3_4d(p0, p1, plane, epsilon=1e-6):
    u = sub_v3v3(p1, p0)
    dot = dot_v3v3(plane, u)

    if abs(dot) > epsilon:
        # Calculate a point on the plane
        # (divide can be omitted for unit hessian-normal form).
        p_co = mul_v3_fl(plane, -plane[3] / len_squared_v3(plane))

        w = sub_v3v3(p0, p_co)
        fac = -dot_v3v3(plane, w) / dot
        u = mul_v3_fl(u, fac)
        return add_v3v3(p0, u)

    return None

For further reference, this was taken from Blender and adapted to Python. isect_line_plane_v3() in math_geom.c

For clarity, here are versions using the mathutils API (which can be modified for other math libraries with operator overloading).

# point-normal plane
def isect_line_plane_v3(p0, p1, p_co, p_no, epsilon=1e-6):
    u = p1 - p0
    dot = p_no * u
    if abs(dot) > epsilon:
        w = p0 - p_co
        fac = -(plane * w) / dot
        return p0 + (u * fac)

    return None

# normal-form plane
def isect_line_plane_v3_4d(p0, p1, plane, epsilon=1e-6):
    u = p1 - p0
    dot = plane.xyz * u
    if abs(dot) > epsilon:
        p_co = plane.xyz * (-plane[3] / plane.xyz.length_squared)

        w = p0 - p_co
        fac = -(plane * w) / dot
        return p0 + (u * fac)

    return None