2016 Time Capsule String: Coverage

Japt, 11 13 programs, length 61

\x:#).&~L // outputs 9  (41 & ~100)
~T+~Tf)p  // outputs 4  ((~0 + ~floor(0)) ** 2)
$~Q$ *\~Z // outputs 1  (~'"' * ~0)
I%A^O||@{=!(Hmy))  // outputs 4  (64 % 10 ^ {} || function(X,Y,Z) { return function() { return ((U = !(H.m("y")))) } })
`!        // outputs !
`!        // outputs !
`.        // outputs .
`@        // outputs @
`Q        // outputs Q
`e        // outputs e
`|        // outputs |
`~        // outputs ~
`~        // outputs ~

It's awfully hard to come up with an answer that isn't just a string literal and outputs something other than a number...

Output and programs combined:


I think I got 'em all...

When stripped down to the bare minimum:


It leaves these chars for future programs/outputs:


You can trade two of $, ), or | for two of any of the chars in the nine string literals; that is, two of any of !.@Qe|~.

Additionally, you can trade out the Q in the third program for H or O, and the Z for H, O, @, or {.

PHP, 22 programs

Yeah, I get it's kind of boring.

Programs (separated by single newline):


Output and programs combined:
