18.04: Bionic Beaver: nautilus-connect-server: GONE?! Workaround?

An easy way to connect to server is to install nemo. Nemo is very similar to Nautilus and allows you to explore your files and connect to server. You can install nemo with the common apt:

sudo apt install nemo

Then, you can go to menu file, Connect to Server and then you will see this:

Nemo Connect to Server Interface

Nautilus: If you still want to connect using nautilus, you can normally do it. When connecting to a server in Nemo, it automatically appears in Nautilus. enter image description here

Nemo also allows you to add bookmarks to your server connections with the name you desire (in this case MyBookmark). Then, the next time you want to connect you can simply select the bookmark. If you create it in nemo it automatically appears in nautilus as well. enter image description here

No hope here, the closest thing is use CTRL+L in Nautilus and type down the target URI (like smb://PC/share). That is the closest experience there is to get!


