10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 in PHP (or anything else, for that matter)

Since this has been migrated to codegolf...

PHP 30 bytes

<?for(;;)echo rand(0,1)?~Ð:~£;

The Ð is character 208, and the £ is character 163.

Sample usage (on a Windows box):

color 18 & php maze.php

Produces something similar to:

It works best with a monospace font that is exactly square (here I've chosen the standard system font 8x8). To go back to your default color, you can type color again without any parameters.

Mathematica 157 bytes

Lacking PETSCII, I rolled my own "\" and "/".

No cigar for brevity here.


blue maze

The goto operator was added to PHP from version 5.3.0 so you could use the same method as you would in BASIC:

a: echo chr(47 + 45 * rand(0,1)); goto a;